Color Cornucopia
Newnans Rush
Williston Streaming
Utina Blaze
Madison's Harvest
Bartram Morning
Blue Angel
Deep Blue Down
Sun Burn
Yulee's Calm
Ada's Fairytale
Dali Cows
Bivens Bird
Purple Pasture
Lora's Sky Quilts (Left)
Lora's Sky Quilts (Middle)
Lora's Sky Quilts (Right)
Misty Blue
Touch Down
Spreading Orange on Blue 1
Spreading Orange on Blue 3
Spreading Orange on Blue 2
Santa Fe on the Blue 1
Santa Fe on the Blue 2
Felasco Flowers
DeSoto's Folly 1
DeSoto's Folly 2
DeSoto's Folly 3
Cow Hammock
Fe Pop
Blue Cross Roads
Santa Columbia Red
Santa Japanica
Timucuan Eagle
Close Encounters of the UF Kind